Do you have a hard time losing weight? Don’t worry, I’m here to help! We’re going to go over two quick tips to lose weight for people that find it difficult.
I know losing weight is a very frustrating process. I know for me, after my injuries, I had about 30 more pounds of weight on my frame, which caused me to be really tired and have a lack of energy. It also caused more stress and then I had a lot of chronic pain.
I was really motivated to lose weight. So, what are these quick tips that I can tell you that you can start doing, so that you can start instilling these habits. These habits will build up to get the result that you’re looking for.
#1. To eat your last meal before 6:00 PM. Or at least three to four hours before you go to bed. For dinner, have little or no animal protein. This is really important because our body, especially our stomach, don’t want to have this active digestion going on when we’re sleeping because it’s gonna prevent us to go into these deeper levels of sleep. This is when we are going to have that rejuvenation and well rested sleep, which is so important for healing.
Also, don’t have a humongous meal at night. I know when I was growing up, our biggest meal was dinner. It doesn’t make sense because if you look at physiology, anatomy, and digestion, we actually need gravity. We also need time and movement to start getting the food to be processed and broken down. This puts a lot of stress on the body and we want to work with the body, not against it.
Animal protein can be digesting in the stomach up to 6 hours. We really need to have that in the earlier part of the day if we do eat animal protein. I also recommend having your lunch or an earlier meal to be your biggest meal of the day.
#2. Go to bed earlier or get at least eight hours of sleep.
Sleep is going to really help your waistline, and it’s because of two hormones. We have gherlin, which is really released when we’re hungry. Then leptin, which is released when we are full, and it suppresses appetite. What happens is when we don’t get enough sleep, leptin goes down and gherlin goes up; so we’re hungry. We’re hungry during the day. I don’t know if you’ve experienced this, I definitely have. We’re kind of up and down and all over the place. We’re craving food. We’re hungry.
What can we do to get a great night’s rest every night? What I recommend is to have a night time ritual or a routine. Some ideas that you can have in that routine is to go to bed at the same time every single night, so your body knows what to expect. This will make you relaxed and makes it easier to fall asleep.

Some other things you can do is to take a hot shower or hot bath to transition from a busy day and to relax the body. Another thing is to have a glass of hot water with some lemon or a cup of tea, hot tea, that will also relax the body. Then, look at anything to do with stress management. Breath management, meditation, or also visualizations are great.
Then some really simple things, if you do have issues with sleeping, make sure the temperature in the room is cool, so that you don’t wake up in the middle of the night from being overheated. Also, have blackout curtains.
Those are just some suggestions. There’s so many more things you can do to lose weight. I really wanted to give you two quick tips and what is it to start having these small habits. Once you do it and you really create this momentum, you start getting results, you can start adding in things that you can actually do. Especially if you’re really busy.
What have you found helpful to lose weight? I want to hear your success stories, make sure to leave a comment!