Being fatigue and being tired all the time is not fun, especially if you are dealing with something. I know after my injuries I had chronic pain, I was having a lot of issues and I really exhausted my adrenal glands, which are these little triangular glands on top of the kidneys. Let’s go over four quick ways that you can look at to really improve this situation.
4 Ways To Support Your Adrenal Glands And Fight Fatigue For All-Day Energy
#1. Get enough sleep. I know this is an obvious one and the worst thing is if you are in a lot of pain, or you’re having issues with sleeping, someone saying get enough sleep is really hard. What are my few things within this? You need to have a routine. You should be going to bed at the same time every single night, especially if you’re not sleeping well. Your body wants routine, so it knows what to expect. You have to train it.
I would limit electronics or screen time right before you go to bed. I would have blackout curtains in your bedroom. I would also make sure your temperature in the bedroom is pretty cool so you’re not woken up by being overheated. Those are just a few things. There’s more than that, but just a few things to look at to get a better night’s rest.
#2. Eliminate refined sugar and refined carbs. Basically junk food. This puts a lot of strain on the body. It causes a lot of stress. Your body doesn’t know what to do with it and it makes your blood sugar levels go up and down, up and down. This causes inflammation, it causes instability in our mood, and it really can make us tired and fatigue. We really want to be able to stabilize our blood sugar so we don’t want to have refined sugars and refined carbs.

#3. Eat whole foods. We’re part of nature, when your body has whole foods, it knows exactly what to do with it. You want to make sure that your whole foods, if they’re vegetables and fruits and beans and legumes, that they’re organic and if you do eat animal protein make sure there’s no hormones and no antibiotics that are added and it’s grass-fed. Most of the hormones that are in that are synthetic estrogen and antibiotics and it can really create disruptions in gut health and just cause further stress and fatigue and that’s what we’re trying to get away from.
#4. We got to limit coffee. Again, I have different opinions about coffee and if you have chronic fatigue, you’re having issues being tired all the time, the up and down of the caffeine, it really is an irritant to the adrenals. That is basically is what happens. Coffee can be also very highly acidic and so that can just have some disruptions in the liver as well and congests. Again, it’s one of those things, if you’re having three or four cups a day you probably would want to go down to one, or a half a cup and something in the morning so that you’re not having caffeine before you go to bed.
What to you like to do to get more energy? Make sure you leave a comment below!