My injuries took a toll on my life, and it was a blessing in disguise. I learned so much about life during that time, and I want to share a few lessons I learned with you today! I’m going to be talking about five important life lessons that I learned from rebuilding my body after all my injuries.
I had a lot of injuries. Then I had a very long process of rebuilding my body. During that process, I had a lot of things go on. I was in chronic pain. I was in chronic fatigue. I was always tired. I was very frustrated in the process, stressed, had brain fog, and memory issues.
I gained a lot of weight. I also had digestive issues. I felt like my digestive tract just fell apart. I had a lot of gut health issues and sensitivities. I learned a lot during this process, especially about life. Here are a few of those lessons I learned.
#1. Stop judging yourself. No matter what you’re going through in life, you have to stop judging yourself. You have to learn how to accept. Also, when you judge yourself, you’re actually judging others. Anything we do to ourselves, we do to others.
We have this inner critic. We have to learn how to work with that inner critic, because life can be challenging. We have to go through processes. One of those processes is forgiveness. It’s forgiving others, but it’s ultimately forgiving ourselves. I educate and teach a lot about these processes because I think it’s important.
Once you can accept yourself and stop the judging, you can do anything. I’ve seen it. It’s amazing. That’s definitely a huge lesson I learned.
#2. Be patient. This is so hard for me. I just wanted to work through my healing process. That’s why I struggled so much in rebuilding my body. I was up and down with my healing. I would get better. Then it was like I took five steps backward.
I had to learn this lesson to just be patient and to go into gratitude. I was so negative in the processes that I was going through. I realized that I had to change my mindset. Part of that was being patient and going into more gratitude and being able to change my mindset.

#3. Hold space to unravel. Part of my process was that I would be pushing through my healing and I would just create this tension and frustration. I had to learn how to hold space for myself. I had to be able to relax in my body and to be nurturing, allowing, accepting and to unravel. The body has these holding patterns, especially when we’re stressed and we have negative tension. We need to hold this space so that we can unravel and to set ourselves up for healing.
Within this, it was this deep listening and being able to connect with myself on a deeper level. What’s amazing is that once I was able to do it for myself, I could do it for others. I became this amazing listener and would just accept and allow people to be them. To really have this unraveling process happen so that they could figure out what they needed to do to heal or what they needed to do in their life. That’s definitely something to look at.
#4. Work with the body versus against it. On a physical plane, are you doing everything you can on a nutritional level to set yourself up for success? Do you know the strategies to have all day energy? To feel great so that you can set yourself up to heal, to go to the next level in your life, and to go after your dreams? Understanding that, so that you’re working with the body versus against it.
Also, fitness. I became an expert in this thing called “non-impact fitness.” I learned what it is to have these exercises and movements to set us up for longevity and sustainability. What are those? And just lifestyle in general. How are we working with the body versus against it?
#5. Truth beyond the stillness. Learning how to come into the stillness of the mind with our breath. When we do this we’re able to slow down. A lot of times, it’s very chaotic and we’re focused on the outcome, the result, the gross. When we’re able to slow down and have this stillness, we can see beyond that and see what the root cause is. What is the subtle that’s going on here and what’s the clarity of steps? What is it that I need to do? What do I need to be?
It’s about working on this stillness. This is something I’m practicing constantly so there’s definitely a lot of wisdom here.
Have you ever been through something where you had to heal your body? I want to hear your story too! Leave it in the comments below!