Most people don’t talk about his subject, but it’s important for your health! People suffer from constipation more than you think.That’s why today we’re going to be going over five reasons why most people get constipated.
Being constipated is the worst. Not only is it uncomfortable, it’s not healthy. What can we do? What are these reasons that we can get on top of it so we can prevent it?
#1. No exercise, or no movement. Our digestive tract is a long tube, and it’s around 30-32 feet long. That’s a long way to go. We need movement and exercise to help the food to move down the digestive tract.
Our hips are created so that we have a hip girdle and we have the hip bones. When we are walking and moving it is massaging the small intestine and helping the food in the large intestine to move. It’s important that we get exercise, even if it’s just walking 20-30 minutes a day. You will see improvement if you’re constipated.
#2. Poor diet. If you eat a lot of refined food, junk food, or very unhealthy food, this is going to back you up. What we need to do is have a whole foods diet, and a diet that’s high in fiber. The average American gets less than 10 grams of fiber a day, and we need 35-50 grams to be healthy. We really need to add in vegetables, fruits, and things that have fiber. This will help our situation, especially if we’re constipated.
The second component here is hydration. A lot of times if we’re constipated we’re dehydrated. Especially if we drink a lot of things that are diuretics, things that have caffeine in them. Such as tea and coffee. This makes us more dehydrated, so we need to be drinking water throughout the day.
You need to start the day with two glasses of warm water, because you’re the most dehydrated in the morning when you first wake up. Then eating hydrating foods, like fruits and vegetables. That will help with hydration as well.
#3. Stress. If we’re in chronic stress, this puts a lot of pressure on the nervous system. Also, a lot of our blood that helps us digest goes to the outer limbs so that we can move faster. This slows down our metabolism and digestion, and can cause constipation. Especially if you have things like Irritable Bowel Syndrome, bloating, and gas.
We have to look at stress and what we can do in stress reduction to slow everything down. This is important, especially the nervous system. All 11 systems of the body are connected. The nervous system specifically in stress is going to put a lot of strain and constriction on our digestive system. Do your best to reduce the stress in your life.

#4. Intestinal imbalances, hormone imbalances, medication, and thyroid. Looking at all these imbalances and how this can cause constipation. We need to learn how to balance our hormones, how to have great gut health, and to heal the gut. I call it healing and sealing the gut. When we’re able to do this, we’re able to lubricate the gut lining, and help the gut.
This helps with our constipation, but it also helps us heal. This is something I educate a lot on. If people know a little bit more information, and then strategies behind it they can get on top of it. Not only your constipation will go away, but most of all these other things will be solved as well.
#5. Lack of magnesium. Magnesium equals movement in the body, and it helps our nervous system. Someone told me I needed to look at magnesium, you might be deficient in magnesium. I experimented with it and took just about 200 milligrams a day in a pill form and it did nothing for me.
It wasn’t until I went to liquid magnesium, and I was having Epsom salt baths which brings magnesium into the body. The magnesium was amazing, it to have that normal movement again.
That’s something that can assist. It can do so many other things within your body as well. It can relieve tension, and soreness, and tightness. If you’re constipated, this might be happening as well.
What I also recommend is, especially if you’re trying to heal the body and you’re trying to get over constipation, is to have a routine.
It’s like a bathroom routine, to eating at the same time every day, going to bed at the same time every night, waking up if you can.
I get that life is crazy sometimes, and you can’t always do that. Do the best you can, because when the body knows what to expect it usually cooperates a little easier, and we can work with the body versus against it.
Have you found other ways that improve constipation? If so, write them in the comments below!