How awful it is to put up with distractions that hinder you from getting any work done? I know, I’ve been there.
To help, I have five tips on how to shut out distractions once and for all.
1. Time Management and Goal Setting
The first step is looking at exactly where your time is going. Try making a to-do list, and then get clear on what is distracting you. Make a list of that, because the first step is awareness.
Also, plan out your time. We want to create clear, compartmentalized time slots for getting activities done. So when emails and text messages come in, you have time to go and answer those, but you’re not constantly looking at that.
Then within goal setting, it’s getting specific. A lot of times, we know what we want, but we’re not specific enough. We need to have different tools and strategies so that we can see what are the actual steps.
How is it broken down? What is the step that I need to do today?
2. Boundaries
Once you have clear goals and know what to focus on, it’s about implementing boundaries. There are two elements of this: boundaries with people and things that are taking you off your path and making you distracted, and also boundaries with your time. You need to set clear boundaries on the best time to do certain tasks.
3. Prioritizing and Decision-Making
Once we have clear goals, time management, and boundaries, the next step is prioritizing. Prioritizing should be coming from what’s important to you, and what is the biggest thing that you need to get done to get the results that you’re wanting. This helps you be more efficient and productive.
You also need to be able to execute and commit. Once we prioritize, make decisions, commit, and have clarity on those commitments, we are able to follow through.
4. Meditation and Setting a Daily Intention
Meditation is really important. Even if you don’t like meditation or it’s hard for you, elongating the breath and doing a few breath cycles helps you become present. When we’re distracted, our mind is fragmented and our thoughts are all over the place, and we’re not really in the present moment.
Meditation can help with that. Setting an intention for the day helps us know what to focus on. So if we’re distracted, we’re able to get back on our path and we know exactly what we’re supposed to be doing that day.

5. Exercise
Exercise is definitely important on many levels. For me, the number-one reason I exercise is for my mind and to focus my mind. I love exercising in the morning, because it clears my thoughts, and I’m able to really focus.
Throughout the day, if I’m distracted I will going on a walk for 10 or 15 minutes. This really helps me to focus and get back to where I need to be.
When distractions arise, how do you shut them out? I can’t wait to hear your comments below!