Having a hard time losing weight? Then this article is for you! Today we’re going to be going over seven weight loss tips that will set you up for success!
Specifically, we’re going to be talking about portion control today. This is something that creeps up on us, especially if we’re trying to lose weight and be healthy. It’s something that we’ve been programmed to think that more is better, that it’s a better value, there’s better quality.
We really need to have awareness. What are these tips that we can do to start having awareness about portion control and set you up for success?
#1. Use smaller containers. If you’re cooking food or if you have leftovers, what I try to do is have these smaller glass containers and I’ll put a portion in each one of those containers. When I reach for it for a snack or a meal later, I’m not eating five portions. I’m having one. That’s just one tip.
#2. Have a salad or vegetables before your meal. This is a big part of the Harmony Method that you should be eating more vegetables, and especially since they have so much fiber and nutrients. The fiber is going to help you be more full. The vegetables will help it so that whatever your normal meal would be, you probably would have a less amount of portion of that. That’s just a recommendation to start incorporating vegetables where you can. Eat it before your regular meal so you have a smaller portion.
#3. Take time and chew your food. I know this is something we’ve been hearing since we were little kids, and there’s a lot of truth in it. It actually takes time for your body to catch up with you to release a hormone (Leptin) to signal your body that you’re full. If you can slow down, chew food, and enjoy your food, you’re going to eat less portion. Because most people are just eating their food pretty quickly. If that’s you, you want to slow down. You want to chew your food. It’ll be for better digestion as well.
#4. If you’re out at a restaurant, split an entrée. Whoever you’re with, split the main entrée. If you can’t do that, if you’re at a business meal or no one else is doing that and you feel uncomfortable, just eat half of it. Then take the other half to go. You can just split that entrée. Most restaurants have huge portions. When you split the meal, you could have another meal later on.

#5. Buy or make single-serving snacks. Most people, they hear that nuts are really healthy for them. They’ll sit there, and they think they’re eating something healthy. They’ll have a huge bag of nuts, which is just so much fat and it’s way too big of a portion. What I recommend is to just have a handful of nuts or handful of your other favorite snack that’s healthy and to put them in little baggies or little glass containers so you don’t overeat.
#6. Keep seconds out of sight. If you get takeout or you’ve made your meal, make sure you leave the food in the kitchen. Because if you can reach to get seconds, you’re most likely going to do. If it’s out of sight, you’re most likely just to have that portion that you created.
#7. Stay hydrated with water. A lot of times, why we have a huge portion or we have cravings is because we’re dehydrated. I recommend having two glasses of warm water in the morning when you first wake up. Then, drink majority of your water in between meals. This will set you up for success, and it’ll make it so that you’re not craving the water in that food. Our bodies need to stay hydrated. We’re around 70% water. Just staying hydrated will really help with the portion control.
What tips have worked for you to lose weight? I would love to hear your comments!