Martial arts was a big part of my healing journey. It also taught me a lot about life. Today, I want to share with you nine life lessons that I learned from studying martial arts with masters!
Part of my journey of healing my body after all my injuries was doing a number of things. I was in PT. I was trying to learn new exercises. I was in so much chronic pain and having so many issues with my body that I couldn’t do much.
Part of that was to start studying martial arts. Even though I couldn’t do that much, it was amazing because over time I was able to build and do these small basic things.
After many years of it, I was able to look back and see how I learned all these lessons. These lessons pertained to life, so I want to share these lessons with you today!
#1. Have a solid foundation. You have got to learn the basics. It’s all about the basics, and then you have a solid foundation in your body.
#2. Commit. You have got to commit. You got to have follow-through. You have to do it with no distractions and have clear intentions.
#3. Technique before speed. If you watch my other videos, this is a theme that I talk about is slowing down to speed up. Technique before speed, this pertains to all elements in life to be able to slow down, and to be able to see everything then take action.
#4. Developing fast twitch. So fast twitch in your body and in your mind. To come and bring it to the present moment. You’re just a breath away.
#5. Focus. This is about training the mind. It’s a daily activity that we have to do. We have to do these exercises to train the mind and to have discipline in our mind, so we can be very present.

#6. Visualization. Before I could do any of the movements because again, I couldn’t do many movements, I could visualize them. I could visualize myself being healed. This accelerated my healing process, me being in these states and being able to visualize and see the movements and the techniques.
#7. Breathe. Most of us don’t breathe that well. We breathe from our neck or our chest. It’s learning how to drop the breath into our lower belly, and this thing I call the 360 degree breath. We’re breathing with our whole body, and we know where our power center is and how to breathe into that.
#8. Know yourself. In ancient wisdom, it would be called know thyself. It’s about embracing your uniqueness and constantly discovering that on an internal level, so that you know how to flow in life and align to your truth.
#9. Practice everything. Repetition. You have got to practice, practice, and enjoy the journey. Enjoy that journey of practicing and to get the little elements and those little things.
These are just a few lessons. There’s so many more lessons that I’ve learned, but I wanted to share a few with you today.
Have you ever tried martial arts? Or do you practice it often? I would love to hear your experiences with it! Fill me in, in the comments below!