Have Fun With Increasing Flexibility In Your Body

The main reason I started practicing yoga over 17 years ago was to increase my flexibility in my body and increase my performance in sports. It wasn’t until after my injuries that I was able to discover yoga on a deeper level. Before I started yoga, I could not touch my toes, I could only go as far as my upper thighs- that is how tight my body was. After nine years of yoga I was able to reach to my knees. After my second yoga teacher training, which was a year and half long, I was finally able to reach my toes.

Here are 4 tips to help you increase flexibility in your body:

Harmony Method  Tip #1: Breathe.

Be curious and experiment with your breath. Most of the time when my body is tight, I am not breathing into my whole body. I take a moment and bring attention to this. I also warm up my body and breath in the morning with fire breathing. Check out my YouTube channel for more information on how to learn fire breathing.

Harmony Method  Tip #2: Heat.

In the morning my body is tighter than at night. I recommend taking a hot shower, bath or step into the sauna at the gym or at home before you do yoga or workout. I usually stay in for 4-5 minutes. It is also easier to do yoga in a slightly heated room. I also recommend soaking at night in a warm bath with Epsom salt and sea salt.

Harmony Method  Tip #3: Cut down on sugar, dairy, meat, coffee and alcohol.

I was a sugar-aholic when I was younger, which created a lot of acid build up in my body along with chronic inflammation. Having too much acid in your body creates a lot of problems. One of the side effects is creating inflammation in your joints, which creates a lack of flexibility. I recommend titrating or gradually decreasing the amount of acid promoting foods in your diet and picking up a green vegetable drink to give you a mineral boost and alkaline support.

Harmony Method  Tip #4: Have fun! Anything you are trying to learn or improve on, have a fun time in the process. When you take things too seriously and at the same time hold on to concepts or ideas of how something is suppose to be by looking though a lens of right/wrong, black/white, yes/no- you become rigid in your thoughts, your body and your life. Let go and enjoy the process of learning!

These are just a few quick tips on experimenting how to increase flexibility and to discover what works best for you in the process. Remember progress not perfection when trying something new. Be willing to fall on your butt and enjoy the process of discovery. You will be more flexible and align to what flowing in harmony truly means to you and in your life.

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Hi, I’m Katy.

I’m the executive coach who isn’t afraid to go there.

C-suite executives, business owners, entrepreneurs and leaders come to me with one problem and leave having experienced personal and professional breakthroughs. I know you want that, too.

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