When you’re traveling, are you tired most of the time? Do you come back from traveling only to find you’ve gain weight? It doesn’t have to be like that. You can travel and live your healthy lifestyle at the same time!
I think it’s important, not only for your well-being, but for all aspects to work on yourself. Be a student for life. What I want to talk about today is that I travel a lot, and so a lot of people ask me, “What do you do to stay fit and healthy, and keep your weight in balance, and everything else, and have all-day energy while you’re traveling?” I want to share with you just a few things that I do, so that it could help you if you travel a lot or if you eat out a lot, so you can learn how to navigate a little better.
When I’m traveling, if I have a choice, I like to stay in an Airbnb because I have choices on cooking and going to the grocery store. I have more control over my food. Sometimes I don’t, and then I just do the best I can. I want to share with you what I typically bring for the day to feel great.
The first thing I bring with me is kind of my breakfast and lunch. I have three eggs whites with one yolk. Use organic and natural eggs as possible. Then I have some arugula. Arugula is a bitter, which helps with healing the liver, helps with any congestion, and also the heart. Bitters are great for your body.
Then, I have all these vegetables that I make two nights prior. I’ll make vegetables for about three days, just to be time efficient. I don’t want to be cooking every single day, so I make this huge thing of vegetables. I made carrots, and broccoli, and zucchini with garlic. I love using herbs. I also make a little bit of organic rice to put in with all the other ingredients.

I’m not really into nutrition bars, because sometimes they have way too many ingredients. Or they’re just a brick. Or they’re just like a candy bar. But I found one that’s pretty good. I found a Health Warrior chia bar. There’s no cane juice in these bars and they are all natural. To me, that’s a little bit easier because it’s small and easy to carry around.
Then I always have some protein powder. I usually have it around 3:00 o’clock in the afternoon. I usually have egg white and vegan protein powder. I do well on both of those as a combination. Some people don’t do well on egg whites. For me, I do very well. I don’t do well on whey.
Then I also bring some Chinese herbs. I’m really into Chinese herbs. I’ve been seeing the same herbalist, who is seventh generation herbalist, for about 9 to 10 years now.
Herbs do really well for me, especially when I’m traveling. Traveling is stressful on the liver, kidneys, and main organs. I always bring these herbs that are going to keep me in balance.
I normally have my liquid vitamins and supplements. But when I’m traveling I bring my powder form of vitamins. Be careful about the powdered vitamins. Some add can juice and other added sugars. I found one that is sweetened with stevia!
I also always have spirulina. Spirulina is a blue green algae. The biggest thing when you’re traveling, you want to make sure you’re stabilizing your blood sugar. The brand of Spirulina I have is called Nutrex, which is from Hawaii. They have a double osmosis process, so it’s the cleanest form of spirulina you can get. It’s a lot of protein. I think it’s anywhere from 65% to 70% protein. This is going to stabilize my blood sugar, and keep everything so it’s level throughout the day.
These are just a few ideas for you on how you can make traveling a little easier and have that all-day energy and feel great, and also prevent any colds or not feeling well.
I would love from hear from you any strategies that you have for traveling. Leave the comments below, I can’t wait to hear them!