How to Slow Down to Do More

Over 12 years ago, my life was going exactly according to plan. I graduated from UC Berkeley, was thriving in medical device sales, and was competing in triathlons. My life was completely focused on sports, medicine, and science — and I loved it!

One afternoon, while training on my bike, I was suddenly struck from behind by a car! I had a concussion, a partially torn MCL and ACL in my left knee, my hips were thrown out of alignment, and I had two herniated discs in my spine. Beyond the pain, the doctors told me I would need to relearn how to walk properly, and that I would never be able to run again. In great pain and heavily medicated, I went back to work and began a strict regimen of physical therapy.

Three months into physical therapy, while driving to work, my car was hit from behind. Though I was wearing my seatbelt, the impact of the crash was devastating. My head smashed into the steering wheel, giving me severe whiplash. The doctors had trouble truly diagnosing my injuries this time because I had injuries on top of injuries. They recommended physical therapy several times per week and surgery on my left knee and spine.

by Jason Hartman

CLICK HERE to read the full interview on, Authority Magazine

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Hi, I’m Katy.

I’m the executive coach who isn’t afraid to go there.

C-suite executives, business owners, entrepreneurs and leaders come to me with one problem and leave having experienced personal and professional breakthroughs. I know you want that, too.

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