If you’re suffering from headaches, fatigue, dry skin or brain fog, you need to read this article!
And to let you know you’re not alone, it’s something that I went through. These are common complaints that I had to deal with after being in chronic pain for years after my injuries and to really regain my health. I’ve also helped hundreds of people overcome these complaints.
When we’re in this process, we overlook some of the basic simple things. Surprisingly, we’re going to go over one thing today that you can do to really help the situation that we overlook.
That is increasing your water intake. Increasing your water really helps you, we’re around 70% water in our bodies. I’ll have people that are eating an organic diet, they’re going to a personal trainer, and they’re doing all these things right, but they’re not drinking enough water. Especially enough filtered water.
So what does water do? It helps us with fluid balance, gives us skin benefits, and it helps with bowel function. It also gives us energy levels and helps with brain function, among so many other things.
One of my top tips of how we can include more water into our lifestyle is to know that you’re the most dehydrated when you first wake up because you’ve been sleeping for six to eight hours. I recommend as soon as you wake up to have two glasses of warm water.
Now, if you drink coffee or tea with caffeine just know it’s a diuretic, which is going to make you more dehydrated. You should be drinking a lot more water to compensate that. What I recommend is to drink the majority of your water in-between meals and to be sipping it all day.

Another tip is to keep a bottle of water with you and make it’s recyclable or make it’s high quality like a glass container. And you make sure that’s with you at all times. That’s something that I do, I carry water wherever I go.
Also eat water containing foods, like fruits and vegetables. A lot of times if we’re having a headache or we’re having cravings, we’re actually craving the water in food. Because that’s how much we need just water. If you want to increase your fluid intake of water really look at these water containing foods like fruits and vegetables.
The last thing is to invest in a water filter or get the highest quality water possible. I know I live in California where we have fluoride in the water, among so many other things. You could be doing everything right but you’re drinking tap water or you’re not drinking the highest quality water possible. This could be bringing more toxins into your body. I recommend the Berkey filter.
These are just a few things to look when it comes to headaches, brain fog, fatigue, and just dry skin.
What helps you overcome headaches, brain fog, fatigue, and dry skin? Can’t wait to hear your comments!