Are you in constant pain? If you have chronic pain or fibromyalgia, here are 10 things that you need to know right now.
Something that I’ve been dealing with for the last 10 years is chronic pain and having fibromyalgia after my two consecutive accidents, and having a number of injuries. At this point, I have it pretty well managed. I have a lot of strategies. If I get flare ups, I know what to do. I can manage it.
I want to be able to share with you some things you can do to get relief from this pain too. Know that I go into detail in this into my online programs and strategies.
#1. You want to have hot showers and baths. This is going to really open up the body, the joints, especially in the morning. I’m always the stiffest in the morning, so I’m always looking to do that, or before an activity, just to get my body moving.
#2. You’ve got to get movement. I know chronic pain and fibromyalgia can be a huge issue, but even if it’s just stretching, walking, tai chi, qi gong, or yoga. Nothing high impact, I’m talking about just getting basic movement, and to build off that.
I remember when I was relearning how to walk and just really learning those beginning steps. You have to start creating momentum. What are those little things you can do, just to get movement, to move the energy around in your body?
#3. Breath management. Most of the time when we’re not in the most positive state, or there’s a lot going on, we’re really stressed, or we’re in a lot of pain, we’re not breathing fully. We’re breathing a lot from our neck, or our chest. We want to drop our breath down into our belly, and to also be able to elongate our breath. This will help with calming our nervous system down, which will help with the pain.
#4. Posture. Most people, especially now that we’re in the technology age, we’re in over flexion, where we’re bringing the shoulders very forward. We’re in our cars, and we’re doing this. We’re at our computers, especially if we’re at a computer at all, we need to have the computer at eye level. We need to have a posture where we’re not dumping into the lower back, or just over compressing the spine.
We have to work on strengthening the muscles. I go into this in detail, of how to get that posture back, if that’s something that you’re experiencing.
#5. Humor, lightness. When a lot of things are going on, and they’re not exactly positive things, and we’re going through a lot, we have to learn how to bring lightness in and humor. This will help change our state and the physiology that we’re in. This is so important.

#6. Meditation and visualization. Again, I’m all about these beginning steps. If you’re not a big meditator, to just think you’re gonna meditate tomorrow is a lot of pressure. What are these beginning steps so that we can get the benefits of meditation, and really starting with visualization. Going through some visualizations that are recorded, that you can just relax into. This is something that I’m a big believer in.
#7. Music therapy. There’s a lot of research out now that music helps with changing our state, and our physiology. It’s something that we can use to put ourselves in a better mood, and to really again, to feel lighter, feel like we can do things, to motivate us, and inspire us. I definitely recommend bringing in your favorite music, and even classical music. I love listening to classical music, just to get my body moving, especially if I’m dealing with brain fog, or just issues with my body.
#8. Anti-inflammatory diet. This is really important. Part of my healing process was learning a lot about nutrition, and learning what are the things that are creating more inflammation in my body. I had all these accidents. I was having a lot of chronic, low grade inflammation and pain. How do we work with the body, versus against it? What are these strategies? Really learning what it is to have an anti-inflammatory diet.
#9. Journaling. A lot of times when we’re in chronic pain and we’re having issues, we’re thinking a lot. We’re in our head. Writing out and being able to journal, you actually complete the thought process. That can also help you in your meditation, and being able to have more clearer thoughts, and getting movement, and really increasing these good habits.
#10. Nature. Getting out into nature, especially if you’re watching TV, or around a computer a lot, or we’re just indoors, we need to get outside. We need to be in nature, especially if, again, if we’re around a lot of electronics. There’s gonna be a lot of positive ions. We’re really looking for those negative ions that once we get out into nature, we’re able to get that. That usually puts us back into balance, and really helps the whole process. We’re able to ground, and feel a lot better.
Do you have chronic pain or fibromyalgia? If so, what do you do to relieve some pain? I would love to hear your comments below!