Do you have trouble focusing or dealing with brain fog? It’s something that I’ve had to deal with for a number of years, especially after my accidents and having a concussion. I was always in the brain fog and even had some memory issues.
Whatever degree you are lacking the ability to focus, the following steps can help.
1. Exercise or Movement and Breath Management
No matter what type of exercise you’re doing, whether walking, yoga, etc. when you’re moving, your breath has to synchronize to that movement. Our breath is very connected to our thoughts and being able to focus. It also allows the mental and emotional aspects of our bodies to get that flow that we’re looking for. To me, that’s how you can focus.
The second component of this is breath management. Slowing down our breath and being aware of it is really important. Most of the time, when we’re not focusing, our breath is in our neck or chest. We want to drop that breath into our belly. This is the 360-degree breath, being able to use our lungs and our back, to elongate that breath so that we’re able to focus.
2. Start Small and Build
I think there’s a lot of pressure out there to be experts overnight. This is the same with focusing and meditation, or anything to do with being able to hold that level of focus all day long.
Start with five minutes a day of being really present. That’s what we’re looking for when we’re trying to focus and being able to be in the present moment. A lot of the time, we’re in the past or the future, and we need to be able to get into the present moment. Start with five minutes a day and build from that.
3. Mantras or meditation
Often, if we’re having an issue with focusing, meditation can really help. What if you have an issue with meditation? What are those beginning steps to start getting used to meditating, be able to have that stillness, and to be able to focus? Mantras can really help.
To pick a mantra, you can either choose from the Vedas, or you can pick a mantra that’s an affirmation. You can also use words like relax, release, or let go. When you say something over and over again, it can help you be in the present moment.
A lot of times, mantras don’t have a connection to the past or the future, so we have to be present. Mantras are \ a tool to hammer the unconscious. All learning, behavior, and change happen unconsciously. We need to have this tool. We need to train our minds so that we’re able to focus. Once we can meditate, it helps us be able to slow everything down, elongate the breath, and focus.

4. Deal with Noise and Distractions
After my accidents, I got really sensitive to noise. I was easily distracted. There are a few things that you can do to help with this.
I’ve found that using earplugs or figuring out how to make everything quiet allowed me to focus, and I started building that level of focus to hours a day. I started with minutes.
Distractions are about setting boundaries and being able to communicate them. This could be time management, organization, communication, or being able to have that concise time where you’re working on focusing.
My invitation to you is to look at what is distracting you. It could be emails, text messages, phone calls, or basic distractions. Eliminate them and start working on building the focus from there. Building to a few minutes a day, building that up, and putting it in your calendar.
5. Stabilize Your Blood Sugar and Eat an Anti-inflammatory Diet.
Most of us are eating a diet where we have these peaks and dips all day long. It’s up and down. This makes it so that we’re fragmented in our energy. We need to learn how to stabilize our blood sugar so we can stabilize our energy and sleep really well at night as well.
This is something I go into detail in my website and my online programs. I teach the skill sets needed so that we can really stabilize our energy and focus all day long.
These are just a few things to think about, especially if you want to improve the level of how you focus or you’re dealing with brain fog.
What do you do to zero in and focus? Write it in the comments below, can’t wait to hear them!