Ready to gain your energy back? Today we’re going to be talking about keeping track of the food you eat for optimal energy without burnout!
So after my injuries, and having to heal my body, I experienced a lot of things. I had chronic pain, my whole digestive system seemed like it wasn’t working, I’d wake up with brain fog, I had a lot of issues, and my life also was kind of falling apart.
Whenever I’m working with a client, or group of people, or organization, the first step is always mindset. You really have to really work on mindset. The second thing is to have awareness. We need to have 360 degree awareness of everything in your life. We’re trying to heal your body and transform your life.
A key thing is you have to see what is giving you energy. And then what are the things that are taking away your energy? Nutrition is so key to heal your body. The most powerful tool that you can have is an experience and awareness of these things that are giving you energy.
So what I recommend with the tool below, that you can click on the link, is a food and energy journal. Do this for one week, just to do an exercise of having an experience of what is giving you energy. Put down what you’re eating for breakfast, lunch, snacks, and dinner.
Then on the top make sure you check in with yourself 10 minutes before you eat, 10 minutes after you eat, and then an hour after you eat. You can do a scale from 1-10. 10, this gave me a lot of energy, or I have a lot of energy. 1, I don’t have that much energy. Also, you can even add in adjectives or verbs, or anything you want to describe your state and what’s going on.

To me, again, the most important thing is mindset, and then the next step is awareness. You can use this tool to kind of gauge what works for you.
I know for me, when I created the Harmony Method, I really looked at that there isn’t one way to live your life. You need to actually have a flexible blueprint. And part of that is experiencing, experimenting, and getting that feedback to put together what works for you, because it’s about sustainability.
That’s what I see time and time again, why people get off the wagon, or they’re not getting the results they want. They’re not going through a strategy of step by step, but they’re also not looking at what’s sustainable for them. Everybody has a little bit of a uniqueness and they have to figure out what’s best for them.
So this is just one step in the process, and something that I use with anyone I work with. Awareness is very powerful, because then you can start seeing what do you really need to do, what are those action steps?
Enjoy this free tool! What gives you energy? What drains your energy? Make sure to leave a comment below!