Do you get bloated? Have you ever taken antibiotics? Do you have acne or even eczema? Do you ever suffer from constipation?
If so I would highly recommend taking probiotics.
What are probiotics?
Probiotics are live good bacteria and literally means “pro,” to signify promotion of and “biotic,” which means life. Each one of us has trillions of bacteria (more than a 1000 different types) in our gut to break down food and absorb nutrients.
If you have ever taken antibiotics, medicine that is designed to kill destructive, illness-causing bacteria, you probably know that it also kills the healthy intestinal flora (good bacteria). This kind of bacteria helps us digest and keep our bodies in harmony.
I was a regular user of antibiotics in my early twenties due to recurring sinus infections. Probiotics is one of the things that helped me in getting back my health. In addition to probiotics and healing my gut, I also cut out sugar, alcohol (which is sugar), gluten and dairy.
Some other areas probiotics can help with:
- Any digestive health related issues
- Urinary health
- Allergies and sensitivities
- Immunity
- Obesity and weight loss
- Mental health
- Skin health
- Inflammation and so much more!
After years of taking probiotics and trying more than 10 brands, I found that the best probiotics are from Elemental Wizdom. I prefer probiotics in powder form vs. pill form. Other brands that I like are Ethical Nutrients, Ultimate Flora and Garden of Life. I also recommend fermented vegetables with meals as well as coconut kefir water, which are both high in probiotics. I take my probiotics supplement in the morning after drinking my two warm glasses of water. They are best taken on an empty stomach. Enjoy!