The Green Warrior
Serves 1-2
This is my go to juice to restore my mind, body and to give me all day mental clarity and energy. I use this as the base of most of my smoothies as well as a morning wake up call.
• 3 Persian cucumbers
• 4 stalk of celery
• 1 handful of curly parsley
• 2 leaves of green kale
• 1 handful of spinach
• (Optional) 1 carrot or ½ green apple
Directions: Wash vegetables thoroughly. Juice kale, spinach, and parsley first, then add celery and cucumber. Wash juicer.
Highlighted benefits of each juiced vegetable:
Celery: sodium, calcium, iron, magnesium- one of the most critical vegetables to have for heart health and nervous system as well as supporting elimination of carbon dioxide from the system- temperature regulator as well as a vasodilator.
Cucumbers: silicon, sulfur, potassium, sodium, calcium- natural diuretic, supports healthy hair, nails, skin along with healthy blood pressure and heart function.
Parsley: potassium, folic acid, Vitamin A and C- technically an herb and to be used in small amounts, parsley supports adrenal, thyroid glands, blood vessels, kidney and bladder. It has a drying effect, so nursing mothers are advised to not ingest parsley in a concentrated form.
Kale: magnesium, sulfur, chlorine, iodine- supports relief with constipation, ulcers, acne; supports mucous membrane of the stomach and intestinal tract.
Spinach: Vitamin A and C, magnesium- supports entire digestive tract and lymphatic system.
Carrot: Vitamin A, B, C, D, E, G and K- supports skin, liver, entire digestive tract and bone structure.
Apples: Boron, Cellulose, Pectin, ellagic acid- supports cleansing the intestinal tract and getting rid of toxins.