Episode #1 : Unlocking The Power of Qi Gong; Episode with Master Mingtong Gu

Having to heal my body after two consecutive accidents forced me to learn many different systems of information. I found Qi Gong and Tai Chi to be extremely helpful during my healing journey and still in my life today. 

Qi Gong is a lot of information to take in for someone who is new to the practice. I am thankful for a few of my teachers that simplified it for me so that I could truly understand it and start healing!

In this episode, I unlock the power of Qi Gong with the simply amazing Master Mingtong Gu, who is the founder of the Chi Center and the Wisdom Healing Foundation. 

I saw improvement within myself in the first 6 days of learning from Master Mingtong Gu. The mind body connection that he took to a new level for me was an important tool that you can use in your every day life. Ready to dive into this powerful discussion?

In our conversation, he unleashes his incredible wisdom about how to live a more fulfilling life by accessing energy you don’t even know about yet! And you can use these powerful techniques and practices in the comfort of your own home.

I know we are all busy and have hectic schedules. The techniques we speak about can be applied to busy lives! This practice helps to keep me calm during the chaos of life.

We also discuss in detail the benefits you receive with Qi gong such as healing, mental clarity, accomplishing more in life with your new-found energy, and greater happiness.

These techniques have made such a huge difference in my life and I know they can make difference in yours too!

Do you practice Qi Gong? If so, share with me your experience. In the comments below, let me know how it has impacted your life!

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Hi, I’m Katy.

I’m the executive coach who isn’t afraid to go there.

C-suite executives, business owners, entrepreneurs and leaders come to me with one problem and leave having experienced personal and professional breakthroughs. I know you want that, too.

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