Tongue cleaners are simple and inexpensive yet completely transformative.
They are usually thin, U-shaped devices made of stainless steel or plastic, consisting of a blunt edge that removes build-up from the surface of the tongue.
Dentists throughout the world recommend the tongue cleaner because it helps fight cavities by removing bacteria from food and drink. The tongue cleaner also prevents bad breath, especially common in people who eat a lot of dairy and red meat. This tool reduces excess mucus in the mouth, and in turn the nose and throat.
The tongue cleaner originated in Ayurveda, which says that people who use it are more expressive and thoughtful, better public speakers, and more sincere and authoritative conversationalists.
Some people ask if they can reap the same benefits by brushing their tongue with a stiff toothbrush. Tongue brushing moves food particles and bacteria around and can be helpful, but a tongue cleaner is far more efficient, since it removes deep bacteria deposits and thoroughly stimulates the area.
Cleaning the tongue of leftover food and bacteria reduces cravings greatly. When the taste of food is still in your mouth, you’re more likely to crave foods from the opposite extreme of what you last ate. For example, if you had an intensely savory meal, you’re more likely to crave strong sweets.
Tongue cleaners resensitize your taste buds, allowing you to experience subtle flavors more fully. This makes basic foods like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables taste more delicious than ever. These simple foods will begin to bring you greater satisfaction, leading you to eat less.
Last, but certainly not least, tongue cleaning enhances kissing by making the tongue more fresh, sensitive, and sweet. If you’re in a relationship, try tongue scraping two times a day after brushing your teeth, and encourage your partner to do the same. You’ll probably notice a dramatic difference!
• Apply a few quick strokes, 2-3 times a day, or after brushing your teeth.
• Use the round edge to scrape gently down the tongue several times, while applying slight pressure.
• Rinse under running water and gently scrape again until no white residue is left.
• There should be no pain or gagging involved – if you feel any discomfort, you’re probably scraping too hard or starting too far back on the tongue.
• If you’re wondering what those bumps are at the back of your tongue, they’re your salivary glands and they’re meant to be there. If you found them, you’ve gone too far.